Fees & Pricing Structure | Workpermitter


For every candidate who we sponsor and employ, we charge clear and transparent fees which are mentioned below. There are no fees till you find a job opportunity and you are welcome to use Workpermitter for free till then. The fees can be paid by you or your employer, we are fine with either of the options.

Our fees have two components:

  • Visa Sponsorship Fee: This is the upfront fee to sponsor your visa. This fee includes all government fees as well as our processing fee for your application. The fee varies by country. In case you are working from your home country as a remote worker for a company abroad, these fees are not applicable to you.
  • Employer Of Record Fee: These are ongoing fees for us to be your Employer Of Record and do everything that an employer is required to do in your country of employment, including managing your payroll, employment benefits and other associated expenses. Depending on the country of employment, these fees range from $100 to $300 per month, with most countries being in the $200-250 per month range